cave gecko care sheet

Cave Gecko Care Sheet

General Cave Gecko (Goniurosaurus sp.) care, additional research may apply
cave gecko care
Intro to the Cave Gecko
Cave Geckos are small, nocturnal, terrestrial lizards native to China, Vietnam, and Japan. They can be found in rocky outcrops and caves within lowland rainforests. With proper husbandry and care, they can live around 10+ years in captivity. Cave geckos are sensitive to heat and need high humidity which makes them a pet reptiles for intermediate keepers.
gecko care sheet
Cave Gecko Care
Cave Geckos spend the majority of their time on the ground. Decorating their enclosures with foliage, caves, and logs will help them feel safe and offer enrichment. The absolute minimum terrarium size for a cave gecko is a 20 gallon long tank or something with similar dimensions. Many keepers keep them in an ambient temperature of 75 degrees F, but you may offer them a hot spot of no more than 80 degrees F. With or without UVB we always recommend offering supplements like a multivitamin and calcium.
The key to proper care for Cave Geckos is Humidity. They need 70-80% which can easily be obtained with misting and proper substrate. You may use Eco Easrth, ReptiSoil, or Coco mixed with Moss to achieve their humidity requirements. Feeding these is easy as they are insectivores. Juveniles should be fed daily, and adults should be fed 3-5x/week depending on body condition.
gecko care
Cave Geckos For Sale in the Pet Trade
Cave Geckos have become a very popular pet gecko! Many breeders are working with the different species and locales because the demand is so high. Chinese Cave Geckos are the most common and affordable of the varieties. For this group of gecko, we recommend purchasing Captive Bred specimens!





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